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Podcasting is having a moment.


As of 2019, about . And they listen a lot. About 20 episodes per month.

截至2019年, 约有 。 他们听了很多。 每月约20集。

As a result, a lot more people are investing their time and energy in producing podcasts. Now even are creating podcasts.

结果,越来越多的人投入时间和精力来制作播客。 现在,甚至都在制作播客。

Podcasts have become a powerful medium for sharing stories, conducting interviews, and helping people learn on the go.


And Apple even released a major upgrade to their podcast analytics — the biggest change to the podcasting ecosystem in a decade.


我如何确定播客是否适合freeCodeCamp社区 (How I decided whether podcasting was a good fit for the freeCodeCamp community)

freeCodeCamp is a global community of software developers and developers-in-training.


Millions of people visit each month — mostly on their laptops. I wanted a way to help them learn more about programming and technology on their phones.

每月有数百万人访问 ,主要是使用笔记本电脑。 我想要一种方法来帮助他们学习更多关于手机编程和技术的知识。

Well, coding on your phone is hard. And people are often too busy doing things like commuting or exercising to look at their phones, anyway. But with podcasting, they could learn purely through listening — without needing to look at a screen.

好吧,很难在手机上编码。 而且,人们经常忙于通勤或锻炼,以至于无法看手机。 但是通过播客,他们可以纯粹通过聆听来学习-无需看屏幕。

As an added bonus, you can download podcasts. So they’re an ideal way to learn when you’re on an airplane or on the subway, and don’t have internet access.

另外,您可以下载播客。 因此,它们是在飞机上或地铁上学习且没有互联网时的理想学习方式。

So after encouragement from several friends — including host — I finally decided to create a podcast.


I love listening to audio books — especially when the original author reads their work. So I decided to go with a format I call the “mini audiobook.”

我喜欢听有声读物,尤其是当原作者阅读他们的作品时。 因此,我决定采用一种称为“迷你有声读物”的格式。

We already had articles by hundreds of contributors to draw from. So I reached out to the authors of these personal narratives. I asked them if they’d be interested in taking these lessons they’ve learned from working in tech and sharing them with a broader audience.

我们已经有数百位贡献者的文章可供借鉴。 因此,我联系了这些个人叙述的作者。 我问他们是否有兴趣参加他们从技术工作中学到的课程并与更多的读者分享。

The result is short, 10-minute podcast episodes that are jam-packed with wit and insight.


Since these are highly-binge-able, I decided to . And I’ve published one episode each Monday every week since.

由于这些内容很受欢迎,因此我决定 。 从那以后,我每周一每周发布一集。

我如何学习如何做这一切 (How I learned how to do all this)

So now I have a little experience at producing a podcast. I’m excited to share how I’ve been recording and editing these.

所以现在我对制作播客有了一点经验。 我很高兴分享我如何录制和编辑这些内容。

My hope is that more people within the developer community will publish podcasts. There’s so much to talk about, and still relatively few developers who podcast.

我希望开发人员社区中的更多人可以发布播客。 有太多要讨论的内容,而播客的开发人员仍然相对较少。

I started by reading host ’s .

我首先阅读主持人的 。

hosts the , and she coached me extensively. She recommended I get the following hardware:

主持了 ,她为我提供了广泛的指导。 她建议我得到以下硬件:

  • an

  • an that acts as a pop filter

    一个 ,用作弹出式滤镜

I got a one-week trial of Amazon Prime and ordered these. They arrived two days later, and I started recording.

我对Amazon Prime进行了为期一周的试用,并下令订购这些产品。 他们两天后到达,我开始录音。

I tried using the software tools that come free with MacOS: Quicktime for recording and Garage Band for editing. But I quickly discovered that — a free open source sound editor — was much better suited for both tasks.

我尝试使用MacOS附带的免费软件工具:用于记录的Quicktime和用于编辑的Garage Band。 但是我很快发现 (一个免费的开源声音编辑器)更适合这两个任务。

Note that The freeCodeCamp Podcast is quite minimalistic compared to most podcasts. It’s a single person reading an article they wrote, and talking about it. There are no ads, intros, or outros.

请注意,与大多数播客相比,freeCodeCamp播客非常简单。 这是一个人阅读他们写的文章并谈论它的过程。 没有广告,简介或支出。

Since we don’t use an interview or group discussion format, there’s only one microphone to manage. We don’t have to worry about things like differences in volume levels between mics, background noises, and bad Skype session audio quality. So if you’re using this as a guide for your own podcast and doing a multi-microphone format, your milage may vary.

由于我们不使用采访或小组讨论的形式,因此只能管理一个麦克风。 我们不必担心麦克风之间的音量水平差异,背景噪音以及Skype会话音频质量差。 因此,如果您将其用作自己的播客指南并使用多麦克风格式,则里程可能会有所不同。

步骤1:录制 (Step 1: Recording)

I find a quiet room after my kids are in bed, then start recording.


The main thing I’ve learned about recording is this: if I butcher a sentence or say a stop word like “um” between sentences, I should immediately stop talking. This gives me a moment to pause and refocus before I start again.

我从录音中学到的主要知识是:如果我在句子中间宰了一个句子或在句子之间说了“ um”之类的停用词,我应该立即停止讲话。 这让我有片刻的时间停下来,然后重新聚焦,然后再重新开始。

This makes the editing process much easier. I can just look for long pauses in the waveform and know that a section needs special attention.

这使编辑过程更加容易。 我可以在波形中寻找长时间的停顿,并且知道需要特别注意的部分。

步骤2:编辑录音 (Step 2: Edit your recording)

I listen to the entire recording all the way through in one sitting to make sure everything sounds right and that I didn’t leave in any duplicate takes.


I eliminate long pauses. Pauses shouldn’t exceed one second unless there’s a big dramatic reason for it. Pauses can be used for transitions, too, but they should only be a second or two long — otherwise listeners will zone out.

我消除了长时间的停顿。 除非有很大的戏剧性原因,否则暂停不应超过一秒钟。 暂停也可以用于过渡,但暂停时间只能是一两秒,否则听众会进行分区。

I always create a second save file after I’ve finished editing. This is because the sound wave transformations I’m about to do next can’t be undone.

完成编辑后,我总是创建第二个保存文件。 这是因为我接下来要进行的声波转换无法撤消。

步骤3:消除杂讯 (Step 3: Remove noise)

If there’s noise in the background, you can remove it with the Noise Reduction effect. You should first find a short segment with nothing but the background noise, select it, and create a “noise profile.”

如果背景中有噪音,则可以使用降噪效果将其删除。 您应该首先找到一个只有背景噪声的短片段,选择它,然后创建一个“噪声分布图”。

Then you can re-run the Noise Reduction effect to cancel out that noise.


You’ll want to experiment with the levels until you find levels that sound just right.


步骤4:放大 (Step 4: Amplify)

Most podcasts are mixed to be as loud as possible. So I use Audacity’s Amplify effect. This will make the entire podcast consistently loud. This way, listeners won’t need to adjust the volume when they finish listening to someone else’s podcast then start listening to The freeCodeCamp Podcast.

大多数播客都尽可能混在一起。 因此,我使用了Audacity的Amplify效​​果。 这将使整个播客始终保持响亮状态。 这样,当听众听完别人的播客然后开始听freeCodeCamp播客时,就无需调整音量。

There’s no magic number for how many decibels to amplify the track. Just eyeball it and try to get the waveform to fill up most of the space. You may have to control+z a few times and retry.

没有多少数字可以放大轨道。 只是盯着它,尝试使波形充满大部分空间。 您可能需要多次控制+ za,然后重试。

But be careful not to have too many peaks. It’s OK for sound to peak in a few places, but too many peaks will cause your podcast to sound tinny and distorted.

但是要注意不要有太多的峰。 声音可以在几个地方达到峰值是可以的,但是过多的峰值会导致您的播客听起来微弱且失真。

步骤4:限制 (Step 4: Limit)

Apply a limiter with a setting of -0.5. This will prevent the sound from peaking and “clipping” — which creates an unpleasant noise. Instead, the sound will never quite reach maximum volume.

应用设置为-0.5的限制器。 这样可以防止声音达到峰值和“削尖”,从而产生令人不愉快的噪音。 相反,声音将永远无法达到最大音量。

Limiting softens the sound slightly and reduces any noise you may have introduced during the amplify step.


步骤5:添加音乐 (Step 5: Add music)

Almost every podcast I listen to has a musical intro and outro — usually 5 to 10 seconds in length.


I tried to find Creative Commons Zero music (no attribution required) or easily licensable music. In my limited search, I couldn’t find anything that sounded right. So I decided to get permission to use one of their songs as the official freeCodeCamp theme.

我试图找到知识共享零音乐(无需归因)或容易获得许可的音乐。 在有限的搜索中,我找不到任何听起来正确的内容。 因此,我决定获得许可他们的其中一首歌用作正式的freeCodeCamp主题。

I edited the specific segments for the opening and closing and so I can quickly add them and move them to the opening and closing.

我编辑了用于打开和关闭的特定段, 以便快速添加它们并将其移至打开和关闭。

步骤6:将它们导出为MP3并发布 (Step 6: Export them MP3 and post it)

Some podcasters say that spoken word can sound fine in as low as 48 kilobits per second, but that sounded way too compressed for me. So I opted for 128 kbps, which comes out to about 1 megabyte per minute of audio.

一些播客说,语音听起来可以低至每秒48 kb,但这听起来对我来说太压缩了。 因此,我选择了128 kbps,即每分钟音频约1兆字节。

I use a service called libsyn to post these and syndicate them to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Soundcloud, and a bunch of other podcast platforms.

我使用一个名为libsyn的服务来发布这些文件,并将它们联合到iTunes,Google Play,Stitcher,Pocketcast,Soundcloud和其他一系列播客平台。

I add detailed show notes with links to any resources mentioned on the podcast episode, credits to the author and reader, and a full transcript of the podcast (which in my case, I can get by reformatting the original Medium article to plaintext).


Then I can just send listeners directly to , which has a nice reverse-chronological feed of all our episodes in one place.

然后,我可以直接将侦听器直接发送到 ,该在一个位置上很好地按了时间顺序提供了所有情节的提要。

播客所需的时间不像您想象的那么多 (Podcasting doesn’t take as much time as you’d think)

I probably invest about 3 hours into recording, editing, and posting each episode.


If you’re doing an interview-format, you should budget some additional time to research the topic and learn more about the person you’re interviewing. I experimented with this earlier this year with my , and it was a blast. Be warned though that interviewing is a skill all its own. And it is not one I’ve even begun to master.

如果您使用的是采访形式,则应预算一些额外的时间来研究主题并了解有关所采访对象的更多信息。 我在今年早些时候的对此进行了试验,这是一个爆炸。 尽管面试本身就是一种技巧,但请注意。 而且这不是我什至开始掌握的。

With freeCodeCamp’s “mini audiobook” format, the article’s original author is often interested in reading it themselves. This makes the podcast more personal.

使用freeCodeCamp的“迷你有声读物”格式,文章的原始作者经常对自己阅读感兴趣。 这使播客更加个性化。

Many of these articles have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times and syndicated in major news sites. By revisiting their article a few months later, the authors get a chance to read their favorite comments and reflect on what’s changed since they published it.

其中许多文章已被浏览数十万次,并在主要新闻站点上联合发布。 几个月后,通过重新审视他们的文章,作者有机会阅读自己喜欢的评论并反思自发表以来的变化。

For example, ’s article “” sparked a broader public discussion on developer ethics in a time when many tech companies .

例如,在许多科技公司的时候, 的文章“ ”引发了关于开发人员道德的更广泛的公众讨论。

When he , he was able to add additional details and talk about its aftermath.

当他 ,他能够添加更多详细信息并讨论其后果。

您应该为freeCodeCamp播客做出贡献,或者开始自己的播客。 (You should contribute to The freeCodeCamp Podcast or start a podcast of your own.)

Overall, I’ve found podcasting to be incredibly rewarding. I’m optimistic that we can get more people from the freeCodeCamp community to help produce these, and that we can publish a lot more frequently than once a week — all while keeping quality as high as possible.

总体而言,我发现播客的收获令人难以置信。 我感到乐观的是,我们可以从freeCodeCamp社区吸引更多人来帮助制作这些内容,并且我们可以每周发布一次,而不是每周发布一次,而且要保持尽可能高的质量。

If you get a chance to , I’d love to hear what you think. And if you run your own podcast, I’d welcome any advice you may have for how we can further improve this.

如果您有机会 ,我很想听听您的想法。 而且,如果您运行自己的播客,我将欢迎您就如何进一步改善此问题提供任何建议。

Podcasts have been around for more than a decade now, and they’re finally getting their moment in the sun.


I’m so excited to be a part of this movement.


I hope you’ll join me and start podcasting in 2019.


I only write about programming and technology. If you I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您我不会浪费您的时间。




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